Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Another Post That Went Nameless
i don't really have much to write about these days. it's just the different day but same old shit. last friday was a holiday. i went to school to shoot a few hoops before getting chased off the court by the guards (we lied about doing some event stuff to get through the gate).
i slacked at kfc with kai yip and friends till it rained so heavily that i couldn't make my way to eza's place to help them with their props. the rain only died when they were finishing and so i went there just to cook dinner for them.
i met darren after his work to emo at one corner of this park. it was all quiet till this bunch of typical ah lians came and sit opposite us. they made hell alot of noise, sang horribly like there's a fish bone stucked up their throats and made horrendous poses while using their camera phone to snap self-potraits. it was irritating to the core and fortunately for everyone, they left just as my shoes were about to take off and become part of their heads.
HOLY, i just recalled i have to e-mail my comm skills work to the lecturer by week five and guess what, now's gonna be week six already!
back sometime in the near future.
okay, i'm back again to continue. saturday was joanne's birthday and i met her and company before celebrating it at the esplanade. met someone new, know as xiaowei number two for whatever reasons that i don't know. some spoilsports we were. gene, renli and i wandered off to sit at the bank to stare at the waters. somehow, we were influential and everyone followed. we saw this couple in steamy sensation right beside us and horny dudes like our voiceout 06/07 sm (sex maniac) and mike seemed so stimulated. let's just skip the x-rated details and move on.
next stop was jalan kayu for prata and... i gotta sleep. sorry.
I buried you along with my heart on 1:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 13, 2006
This Entry Goes Nameless
let me back track and think about what have been happening the past week. sunday, a day after saturday night fever, voiceout met up to do their booth. i thought no one's gonna be up for it but nice helpful dudes came down and met at s11 with just a single call. i would like to sincerely thank chuan lim, eugene, firdaus and last but not least, fawze for rendering their help. pictures, do your jobs.
we met up at s11 at around three plus and scouted for materials. accordingly to plan, we were going over to ntuc to get cardboards but realized that courts was nearer. we made a loop around courts building but found nothing. we then went in to approach some sort of manager for assistance. surprisingly, he just gave it without much question. some staff just brought us to a little corner below a staircase and told us to help ourselves.
we started packing up the bulk.
we were done and at the same time, wen tao generously allowed her place to be the storage place for the cardboards. without any delay, we set off to her place by foot.
the modern garang gunis taking a break at ang mo kio to get drinks and some other materials like masking tapes and paint.
after picking our own corner to relax... never say die, we can do it!
someone cracked a joke and we seemed like the most jovial coolies ever.
guess why we looked like that? we went quite a distance and realized we made detour out of plain blur-ness.
i ran out of pics. anyway to sum up the day, we finished about forty percent of the registration booths and called it a day.
monday, we met up after school to shift the stuffs from wen tao's to school.
tuesday was crap. i supposed to have lessons at nine but was late. i skipped and went for ten's lesson but guess what? lessons from ten to three were all cancelled. what the hell man! i wasted my cab fare.
bumming around at grassroots and wasting youth for five hours. i turned dead broke because someone among the two in the picture suggested naked fish shoppe for lunch. the food's relatively good but the portion couldn't make it. i think i need two meals to start feeling something in my stomach.
we went back to school to meet up with the rest of the class. many had decided to skip the lesson by not appearing appearing at all. jialin wanted to pon the lesson. nothing new, i'm not surprised. but stephanie (the guai nerd, whoops) wanted to pon lessons too! we simply couldn't deny that the times have changed. days where the policemen wore shorts to catch dinosaurs have faded into memories. alright, back to story, i just wanted to say it was kind of jaw dropping to hear that stephanie want to skip lessons. that's all.
but but but, i managed to psycho them to lessons! wow, i'm influential, applause.
frankly speaking, i went for the attedance only because mine was quite poor already. i don't wanna risk getting debarred from the exam. besides that, i don't understand what's going on during that class or should i say MAJORITY thinks the way the lesson is being conducted is just so !#$%!##$%$
after lessons, i went to do up the booths for thursday. we shifted the stuffs up to block L level six for painting but shit happens. after starting off for about ten minutes, the rain came mercilessly.
it's always the case for me. it pours when i want to do props.
eugene and i dumped every thing into the lift and brought it to shelter. we went to get thinner at ang mo kio central and after reaching back, we found out that voiceout event was being pushed back to june or even july.
i'm sian-ed. back some other day.
I buried you along with my heart on 2:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Saturday Night Fever: the emokids' night out
today's impromptu outing was with greeny, mike, renli and gene. i met up with renli at heartland mall to bum around before heading down to town. somehow, i wasn't in high spirits and started splurging on snacks. i bought old chang kee, and then sushi. when we by-passed some dessert stall, i was tempted to try some redbean-milk-ice-thingy but renli looked as if he's gonna fling me over the parapet of the third storey and so, i scrapped the idea.
later on, we joined mike and greeny at marina square to decide on where's the next stop. while walking by citylink, we went past a 7-11 outlet and i thought of popping in to get some light alcohol. sadly, renli complained he was nearly broke and i had to make do with these.
i love milk. it makes me happy, somehow
back to deciding on the next stop, we came up with marina bay for steamboat buffet. we called up gene and told him to meet us there. we waited quite long before we found a table and waited even longer before it was cleared. they are seriously lacking staff but it couldn't be blamed since it was a saturday night. and by the way, i can't bloody stand the table next to ours. a waiter was busy clearing up our table and they kept bugging him for don't-know-what and that wasn't the worst. soon after they decided to stop the bugging, a retard among them was brilliant enough to flick a chunk of margarine into the flames, setting the steamboat on fire. they freaked out and the waiter had to go over to turn off the gas. we were all hot and i just felt like flipping over their table and shafting a fork up the moron's ass. YOUR MOM DIDN'T TEACH YOU NOT TO PLAY WITH FIRE IS IT?! mine did by the way.
anyway, we soon started off barbequeing our food and i whacked a hell lot of beef. it was funny watching how gene was wrestling the semi-live prawns. one just somersaulted out when gene opened the lid of the container. of course, i didn't handle any prawns because i was diagnosed long ago and the report states that i'm allergic to shelled prawns. let's skip the eating details.
after bloating our tummies, we had a few games at the arcade nearby. renli is a pro driver la! he can maintain a long drift in the Outrun game. BUT STILL, i'll think twice if he offers me a ride in the future because in the game...
bang = lose OR slow down only.
and in the harsh world of reality...
bang = lose your life OR speed up your way to meet saint peter.
the next intended stop was esplanade. guess what? gene went drunk on 40% concentrated prawn broth and exclaimed, "WHY DON'T WE WALK OVER TO ESPLANADE?! QUITE NEAR WHAT?!" till now, i hated myself for not smacking his head for saying that. instead of objecting that idea, everyone was like "OKAY LA! THE NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG!" we aimlessly strolled about marina bay and ended up being lost (we knew how to get back but just didn't know how to get to esplanade). we so happen to see either the tall oub or uob and started trekking towards that direction. unfortunately, we were led to some expressway and someone (i can't remember who) among us mentioned something like running across it. my first reaction was WTF?! obviously the 'someone' was intending to make it onto the headlines through martyrdom. it was election day by the way. imagine we were ingenious enough to do it but didn't make it across. instead of announcing that pap won the elections, the headlines probably gonna be something like "FIVE MARTYRED ON PIE AT ATTEMPT TO REDUCE TAX-PAYERS' STRESS ". oh whatever, just kidding. anyway we saw someone cycling towards us and stopped him for directions. he was some thai and there was a serious communication problem. from far, it just seemed like we were performing a mime. embarrassing man, locals asking a foreigner for directions.
we finally gained enlightenment and made a turn back to marina bay mrt station. it just took us lesser than a couple of minutes before we set foot along citylink to esplanade. this time, we went to the 7-11 again to get drinks but it was closed. sian-ed totally, we just made do with cranberry and apple juice from the mama stall at esplanade which doesn't have alcohol. well, let pictures do the speaking from now.
i solemnly and sincerely thank the founder of the mass rapid transit (mrt) in singapore.
sings: and i want you here tonight, and i need you by my side, for just one more moment, for just one more moment.. with you.
merlion park by night.
soon, it was time to go and we strolled down the bus stop to get our night riders.
i got onto NR6 which took me to sengkang mrt station. from there, i felt too broke to cab into punggol and so i jogged home.
tpe by night. i took twelve minutes to jog from seng kang mrt to punggol mrt. stamina improvement finally.
I buried you along with my heart on 4:30 AM 0 comments
"Good news, nothing's broken"
thursday morning, i skipped morning lessons to pay sengkang polyclinic a visit. i wasted about three hours and thirty bucks for an x-ray. after the doctor had examined my x-ray films, she said "very bad sprain. good news, nothing's broken." i collected some painkillers from the pharmacy and went to school to find out there's no entrepreneurship lessons. i then met up with eza and jean to slack away the two hours. anyway, eza showed me her mouse. don't blink guys, up next will be a magic performance by me.
a mouse on my palm.
i slotted my finger into a magic ring and POOF!! the mouse upsized!
HAHA, lame.
awww, school's a bore. let's skip the lessons and move on to something else.
I buried you along with my heart on 4:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
i just got woken by the pain from the sprain (wow, it rhymes) and it's at an ungodly hour of 6.06am. don't know how am i gonna walk later on but i shan't think about it now. anyway, thanks chelle for still being up to chit chat with me although you supposed to be awake now in uk. hah. back to sleep.
I buried you along with my heart on 6:07 AM 0 comments
Oh yes, I'm in distress now
damn. i sprained my ankle badly while playing basketball today. at first it was still okay, i could still move my foot and even walk over from school to S11 but now, it's hell stiff. i think the swell gonna set in soon. gah.
I buried you along with my heart on 1:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I'm in distress or having disorder, NOT!
crap. i'm hell pissed. i was rudely awaken at five in the morning by a urgent call from the nature. soon found out i had diarrhoea and it lasted till now. what the... i classify that under prank calls because i didn't eat anything that is extremely spicy. neither did i drink up a mixture of pepsi, sour plum and wasabi powder. i was such a retard just now. i got myself a small bottle of chinese carbon pills and accidentally knocked over it. now gonna pick up all the shit.
let me look up at www.dictionary.com for the definition of diarrhoea.
di·ar·rhe·a also di·ar·rhoe·a
excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.
quite acceptable. just now i was about to laugh the bloody crap out when i accidentally skipped the 'gastrointestinal' part. i was wondering since when diarrhoea became syntoms of distress or disorder. rofl. do i look like i'm in distress or having disorder?
nevermind, another bottle of carbon pills will kill it,
I buried you along with my heart on 8:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
It all began with "boredphuck is bored"
take a look at the title, that's my msn nick. i don't know why, but i've been feeling bored, restless and as if that the future doesn't matter for the past few days. nevermind, i'll grow out of it within a few days i guess.
yesterday noon, i was bumming around online and renli suddenly msn-ed me.
♪Vǿi¢eOuŧ♫ [S&A] .:: [][ReN][] ::. += Change is the only constant =+ .:: [][仁][] ::.
lets try make ur bored interesting
boredphuck is bored.
like how
♪Vǿi¢eOuŧ♫ [S&A] .:: [][ReN][] ::. += Change is the only constant =+ .:: [][仁][] ::.
of course i agreed. he's just so steady when it comes to going slacking. we called up a few ogl friends and met at chomp chomp. we ordered like no nobody's damn business and ended up paying ten plus each. what the hell man, it's not that feeling. i guess the food there are just for leisure tasting. oh yes, we bumped into this white tiger(a huge cat actually) which was loitering around all the seats. we were the only magnanimous group that allowed it to snuggle up below the table but it scratched me when i tried to play with it. anti-social man, or maybe it was a white tiger club. who knows.
after dinner, we headed for some sucky pool hall at kovan. eugene and renli, you guys are good. play more next time. soon after that, mike, olive and eugene left for home.
the next destination was the arcade with remaining renli, gene, chuan lim and i.
pssst... sharing a little secret over here.
promise not to tell others okay?
are you sure?
no, i wanna do the hook peenky shit before feeling assured.
alright, here it goes.
really don't tell anybody else hor! you know what? gene, chuan lim and i, three guys played percussion freaks (the arcade drumming game). oh no, this is not the secret. the secretive part is that WE HAVE THREE MEN PLAYING IT AND YET WE COULDN'T EVEN GET PAST A STAGE RATED AT TWENTY-FOUR!
that's damn paiseh you know. luckily it was twelve plus and there were only a few emokids hanging around the place.
next stop was gene's void deck. before getting there, we got some peanuts and light alcohol from 7-11 while gene went up to get ice and stuffs. somehow, he took very long to come down that we improvised the wall edge as bottle opener to open our bacardis, hooch, whatever. when he finally came down, we all finished the drinks. rofl. gene came down for a while and soon he had to leave.
i suggested chuan lim and renli bunking over my place and so we started of our kovan-punggol expedition. along the way, we sang to kill boredom. we sang solos, groups and even composed sick perverted funny songs (which i'll not tell you the contents). see, we sit club members are talented! we were thinking if there's no guest appearance for our voiceout event, we all will get on stage and put up a good song. back to the expedition, i kept telling the guys my house is just straight down and left. and everytime we came to a junction, they'll hope that we've reached my place already. and finally, we completed our expedition, braving through dangers and overcoming the odds. heh, pure rubbish.
I buried you along with my heart on 2:48 PM 0 comments