Anyway, there's just a little more than one day to my Internet Programming exam and come on, let check out the status and progress of my friends.
Po: In FLYFF an online game.
Jia Lin: Another one playing FLYFF.
Jin Xian: Probably playing WOW, another online game.
Stephanie: Standard, studying.
Me: Head-banging to turbulent drumming of rock, screamo and metal, trying to forget his sad past. HAHA HAHA. Blogging.
Eza: Claimed she went to study.
Not-SIT-Kenny: Whining as he haven't studied.
Sailesh: Studying if copying tutorial notes is a form of studying. Oh, he just admitted he was copying blindly and "now i'm too damn lazy to memorise the crap." Sailesh, well said.
Hidayat: Rockin' with his beloved guitar.
Fawze: Watching wrestling videos and Mick Foley talking cock.
Rachel: Talking to Dharma about what to get him for his birthday.
Fir: Glued to his PS2.
Oh our Father in heaven, bless these kids for their exams tomorrow. Give them clarity and peace of mind. Amen.
I shall conclude, out of 12 MIT students, only 3 appeared to be studying with slightly more than 24 hours to their exam.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
So what the Hell are they doing with Twenty-four hours and Forty-five minutes to go?
I buried you along with my heart on 3:47 PM 0 comments
Now, who says Swings are Dangerous?
Yesterday, I met up with my friend, who only want to be known as BY as he was the one who bluffed me into walking to Sengkang when he was sleeping. Anyway, that guy's a standard-late-king who never learns. Since ermmm, when I was secondary 3? And he was in J1. He was only early once so far. I found no way that could make him be on time, except to lie. BUT GUESS WHAT?! I lie to him, plan also kena foiled. My house is just one bustop to his and so when just left house, I rang and told him I've reached. Still, he reached fifteen minutes after I did. Oh well, at least I managed to shorten then waiting time.
We played a little basketball with some army guys and won thanks to this random sharp shooter guy in our team that took shots in the most relaxed manner. He shots floats the ball in a low-gravity way and finds it way through the rim. Wah lao eh, imbal leh. People only jump with hang-time. He can apply hang-time on the ball! The opponents are relatively good and accurate. All so macho that I had quite a struggle cutting my way to find the basketball. But of course, their macho-ness doesn't beat the 'superman' at our home court.
After the game was chilling out at the playground which I last went when it was my 'O' levels. They revamped the whole place and removed the swing! HOW CAN?! They robbed me of my precious childhood. I guess they thought it was too dangerous which is purely horse shit. Anyway, the new playstuffs installed are pretty dumb. There's this standing-see-saw-thing that I think is much more dangerous than being catapulted out of the swing. It left me with a skinned bump on my shin.
This was roughly how the accident occured. The see-saw has got this kind of thin bar for you to stand on and there's rails at the side for you hold. My friend jumped on his side for no fucking reason. At the moment he took off, there's no weight on his side and so my side suddenly went down and and I slipped. When he landed on his bar again (It was so fast that I was still hanging in mid air, above the bar), my side jerked up and struck my shin. The pain when through my skin, into the nerves and finally reaching the core of the bone. IDIOT lah! My friend 80+ kg still go do this kind of funny stunts. Now, who says swings are dangerous? This weird see-saw thing are played by kids and definitely they'll try stunts which are funnier than what my friend did(which was already very retarded). Man.. I seriously rather get flung out of the swing (which happened before once with no injuries) than to get struck by the bar in the shin.
Up next was some guys' talk about ladies, how much we missed secondary school, life now and life in the near future and finally home.
I buried you along with my heart on 1:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Clean Sheet isn't Good in all Context
The title is the word that roughly explains how my mathematics exam was. The geeks, like kian kuan study the whole book. The smarter ones, study the ten questions spotted by the lecturer. Smart Jacks like me even better; respotted five out of ten questions to study. So unfortunately, only 2.5 questions of the five I studied appeared, twisted some more. Once again, I do hope moderation works wonders.
I buried you along with my heart on 5:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Disgruntled Jack in "Why It Truly Sucks to be a Senior"
Hello, this is me again. Check out the penned time, it's 8.46 am, probably impossible that I'll be awake here blogging but let me tell you, A) It truly is 8.46 AM and I did NOT edited ANY part of the time, B) It's really me speaking here, I promise, C) Dear fellows that really know me must be wondering, "Wah, since when that Yit Jing wake up so bloody early? He that kind 9 am lesson, 9 am wake up or even can oversleep one lor. Then now holiday, he 12 pm wake up counted early already lah." Yes, so why the fuck am I awake? Let him tell his story...
oh yes, once again, blue is me and red is the other party, who will be referred to as "Mr Cheng" to protect his privacy.
8.19 am:
The grass are green and the skies are blue, the seemingly endless green pasture spreads to the horizon, where you see elements of peace like butterflies fluttering among the flowers, love birds chirping while making love and the harmless aunty sweeping the fallen leaves - A perfect environment and time for a guy called Yit Jing to be in deep sleep.
My phone usually doesn't go off at this time, but today, it decided to be different.
Sony K7100i: *vvvibrateee* *vvvibrateee* *vvvibrateee* and bloody *vvvibrateee*
I usually can ignore calls but this series of vibrations sounded desperate and damn hell annoying.
A disgrutled me answered and spoke in my most ah beng tone.
Me: Ah, Arlow.
An unfamiliar voice replied me.
Owner of unknown number: Hello Yit Jing, I'm Mr Cheng .
And here, I was suspecting it was some tele-marketer, ready to F him up anytime.
Me: ehhh ooooookay?
Mr Cheng: So will you be in school today or on friday?
The mention of 'school' narrowed down the number of 'Mr Chengs' I know and so it was my one of my freshmen.
I was pissed, but tried hard to keep my cool.
Me: Today no, probably friday. Why?
He anyhow hantam-ed a a set of numbers to me and expected me to know what module it was. Come on lah, I don't even remember the module code of modules I'm taking currently.
Mr Cheng: Do you know the module IT18** (Pardon me, didn't bother to or couldn't catch the last 2 digits. I suck at numbers, you should know.)
It's like me asking you "Aye friend, what is the 1800-221-4444 hotline huh?" Who the hell will know where it goes to? Oh, by the way that's the Samaritans of Singapore, a 24-hour depression hotline; Where you can give a ring to when someone wakes you up early in the morning and got you bloody depressed.
Obviously, I didn't sound very pleased.
Me: You give me one code how I know?
See, he knew it.
Mr Cheng: It's the module IAD, Internet Application Development.
Me: ...
Mr Cheng: You have the common test papers for that module? Can lend?
Anyway, it's BORROW lah! You borrow from me and if I agree, means I'm lending you.
I couldn't remember anything about past modules and even if I had it, it probably have been recycled for several times.
Me: errr... I don't think there was a practice of sample common test papers being handed out.
He pushes his luck.
Mr Cheng: Ours from common test change to exam already, teacher say only seniors have sample questions.
by the way, WHAT THE HECK is the lecturer doing? You aren't called that for nothing. You get the full pay, you jolly well do the full job instead of telling them to get revision stuffs from seniors. I can tell you more than 95% of them have their past papers suffering the same fate as mine.
I insisted on not having the common test paper.
Me: Don't have it.
But he ignored my climate and pushed his luck even further.
Mr Cheng: You know what kind of questions will come out?
I anyhow hantam-ed back.
Me: HTML lor, aiiiiiiiiiyaa... the rest the basically common sense lar.
Mr Cheng: arrrrrr.. okay.
Of all, this was my FAVOURITE.
Well, I didn't mean to a bitch but people should know they shouldn't wake me up at wrong times. I don't know why, but even my buddies who came over to ton held a meeting to draw lots - to come up with an unlucky one to wake me up. Other than that, I'm nice. heh.
Wah, knn. Now tired, but cannot fall back asleep. Head groggy, can't study. Fail whose fault?
I buried you along with my heart on 8:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
1. What is the best nickname you ever had?
JING JING by my ogl-mates. ohhh wth!
2. Which way of suicide would you choose? none
i love myself too much to die an artificial death.
3. Rate your social life from 1 to 10.
8 but can fall below 5 once in a while.
4. Are you in love with someone at the moment?
in? out? clueless.
5. Are you missing someone at the moment?
i think so.
6. Will you die for the one you love?
must see worthwhile or not. it's super sweet and damn dumb to die for someone who gives no shit about you.
7. Do you think love hurts?
most of the time for me so far.
8. What is the best thing about love?
the you-look-at-me, i-look-at-you and we both gotit ;)
9. What is the worst thing about love?
right person, wrong time causing everything to be wrong eventually.
10. Will you wait for someone you love?
once again, must see whether it is worthwhile or not. the law of diminishing returns, heard of?
11. What song best describes your love life at the moment? no idea
thoughts before me by amber pacific and one more moment by ronin.
12. Do you wanna get married?
i love kids but still, maybe.
13. Have you talked to the person you love for the past 24 hours?
14. Do you keep memories?yes. both beautiful and bad ones.
alot of them, both emotionally and physically.
15. Is love always on your side or the opposite?
opposite most of the time.
16. Are you sick of love?
i guess confused's a better word.
17. Are you sick of the the question of love?
either my english or this sentence's structure sucks.
18. What are you going to do tomorrow?
study maths.
19. What do you want so badly now?
to get over and done with the exams.
20. What's the song that you last downloaded?
later i get fined how?
21. How much do you love music?
my refuge.
22. Do you play an instrument?
back in sa, i tap and bang the tables with my best buds to make music. counted?
23. What movie did you last watch?
i can't remember.
24. Do you believe in love forever?
i believe there's no eternal love and hate.
25. What's in your mind now?
many whys, whats and whether i'm going to make it through for the modules in this semester.
26. What song is in your mind now?
playing for keeps by matchbook romance.
27. Five people to do this
do this when you are bored. do this at your own will.
I buried you along with my heart on 3:16 AM 0 comments
Deal, Lau Pa Sat
I studied 3/4 chapter of computing maths today finally. Supposed to be the whole chapter but the last quarter seem to have some fault in the example answer. It says 3! / 2! = 6 and I caught no balls at all! supposed to be 3! / 2! = 6 / 2 = 3 what! AH WHATEVER.
My friend called me up for a chilling session tonight and guess why I'm here? Before I left, I called him and he told me to call him again when I was halfway there. I walked all the way to Sengkang and called him a million times but he didn't picked up. I thought that bugger must have fell asleep and so walked back home. Punggol and Sengkang quite far to walk lor! The route's so ulu and it's the 'wrong' time somemore. Bump into funny things how?! hahahhaha. Not wanting it to be a wasted trip, I headed down to the Cheers opposite my place and bought myself laksa and a can of san miguel.
SEE!? The 'tau pok' (some sort of beancurd if you don't know) is streaming with laksa gravy as I squeeze it with my chopsticks. It doesn't beat Jalan Berseh's at any point but it's good enough for instant food in the middle of the night.
After finishing my food, my friend called and told me he just woke up. IDIOT YOU KNOW! But all well, forgiven since he seemed really apologetic and offered to treat me supper next time. Maybe I'll whack some place like lau pa sat. WOOT!
I buried you along with my heart on 2:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 21, 2006
Love Happens Junk
As usual, I was clearing my junkmails (YES, THOSE THAT TELL YOU THAT YOU'LL HAVE BAD LUCK IN LOVE LIFE FOR NEXT DON'T-KNOW-HOW-MANY-DONKEY-YEARS IF YOU DON'T FORWARD IT TO DON'T-KNOW-HOW-MANY PEOPLE. I pay zero attention to such, maybe that's why I'm still single, HAHA and well, let me tell you if you don't copy this entry and post it on your blog within 5minutes and 20seconds after reading it, you'll wake up the following day finding yourself mutated with your ass on your head for life.)
Sorry, I got to carried away. back to topic, I was clearing the usual junk before going to bed and saw an email from lovehappens (some online matchmaking horse shit i guess.) Of course I didn't sign up for that. some friend of mine used my email for that, probably to evade these junkmails. I went to unsuscribe it and after the procedure, a pop up appeared showing me somebody's profile with a picture. At the top, it questions whether I'm interested to know the person and have the options 'yes', 'maybe' and 'no'. And everytime you click 'no', they show the next random profile. I went through a few interesting profiles and here they go...
(names are edited to protect the privacy of whatsoever, those in italics are my quips, heh.)
Who they're looking for
Samantha, 51, Singapore
An honest, hardworking, caring, compassionate, responsible, reliable, generous, peace loving and patient, understanding and supportive. Can be a real good friend to both me and my son; and we can progress and further development. I hope to find someone to grow old with.
Not bad! so IT-savvy. My mum's around this age still have problem finding the switch to the computer. xiaowei commented that maybe her son helped her in the signing up. HAHA. Well, I'll say good luck in finding your next partner.
Linda, 38, Singapore
Looking for someone who is adventurous, down-to-earth, sincere, spontaneous, and cracks me up. He should be able to stimulate me intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and sexually. It's not a pre-requsite that he shares my interest cos we can learn new things from each other. Someone who makes me feel comfortable and knows how to treat a woman right.
I think this lady needs a full-house combination of Einstein, Shakespeare, Confucious, Dr Hitch and Vatsyayana (the man behind Kamasutra). Besides that, I like the part about learning new things from each other.
Ah Lian, 27, Singapore
hIm? heR? eU? deY? tAt peRsOn? diZ peRsoN? hE? sHe? tAt gUy? tAt geR? sUmtHinK taT seeMs siMpLe bUt yet shO dIffiCulT.......juZ puRely sUm1 hU cAn aCcePt mE 4 wHo n wHaT I am.....
Sorry, I can't accept that you are tyPiNg lyDdiZ and HELLOOO, you're 27 and you still type like that?! I thought only little pWiNceSs mui-muis do that. Change that bad habit, type legibly and be understood. I'm sure more guys would want to know you.
Canice, 29, Singapore
decent, open-minded, humourous/jokes, faithful, professional in his work, good career foundation, clean and neat, hygienic, gentleman-like, patient, sporty, animal lover, healthy-life style, Cooks, romantic, responsible, intelligent, independent, sensible, matured, optimistic, supportive, appreciate nature, fillial to parents, still a virgin LOL, hunky for looks.
To compare these requirements with computer specs, she wants a PC with 5.8Ghz TRIPLE-core processors, 2GB ATI Radeon graphics card, 500TB harddisk, 5GB memory, 42 inch plasma monitor, sleek CPU casing with sound activated neon, bose surround system all heavy duty with life-time warranty. Where to find such deal man... hmmm.. okay deal, i'm still virgin here, want my offer?! HAHAHAHHAHAHA!
I buried you along with my heart on 3:03 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Me Talk to Soft Toy?!
i had a long chat with yuzhe just now, over girls' issues. really missed those days when we worked together back at that place with a screwed management. though she's only older than me by two years, i always feel she's like a LAOSHI(teacher) like what i always called her (she didn't like it very much of course. i guess it's because that 'LAO' alone means old in mandarin.)
spare me awhile to announce my new practice...
PIYO-CRUSHING! anyway, though the piyo's under my roof, that doesn't mean that it's mine. i repeat, THE PIYO DOESN'T BELONG TO ME.
let's see what have xiaowei got to say concerning this. xiaowei's in red and i'm in blue.
OH MINE. how can you treaat the piyopiyo like this!
poor thing!
so cute though
i know you'll say that and next few minutes sure got girls shoot me one.
i'll buy one huge piyo, then i can kick it as and when i like
you cant
they are not ur relieve anger doll
i have one piglet and i talk to it
and my friend learnt from me, also talk to it
imagine me talking to piyo
it'll be the gayest shit.
oh mine. i cant imagine that
i will laugh like hell
same ah!
okay, let me conclude what i did in the picture was just one of the solutions to teenage angst momentarily.
I buried you along with my heart on 1:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Studying to the Gun Barrel is what I Need Now
with six days left to my computering maths paper, i'm still idling around, waiting for DON'T-KNOW-WHAT. probably 1) for the sky to fall, 2) to fail gloriously or 3) for lesser time left as opposing force fuel me to strive harder! (rubbish)
i've got no clue why my drive to study have decreased tremendously from the previous semesters. i guess its the project that caused it, or it's just an excuse i used to conceal my laziness. but after finishing my web portal project, i just felt like taking a flight off somewhere in the west, sleep, slack and enjoy.
the project period was really fucked up. supposedly had to get everything done and presented few wednesdays back but luckily, stephanie helped delay till monday. guess what? over the week end we rushed the project almost non-stopped and by monday morning, we still had abit left unfinished. rico and i collapsed from fatique and so skipped the presentation. by tuesday morning at around 3am, i got everything done... AND AS I WAS MOVING EVERYTHING INTO A FOLDER, MY DAMNED COMP FAILED FOR A WHILE! more than 50% of the project got stucked in some unretrievable section of the hard disk.
i desperately searched all the folders for hope but found none. remember, hope is the worst of evils. after flinging things around my room, banging my keyboard, i cooled down, look up at the heavens and told myself "i'm officially fucked."
i resorted to waking my bro up at an ungodly hour to seek for help. thank the heavens and him, he used some program that could retrieve information which were deleted from the recycle bin to look for the missing 50+% of my project. everything was done by five in the morning.
and not to forget, thanks jessica and yani for the morale support. yani, i knew it was a heart-stopper for you.
I buried you along with my heart on 2:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
A Series of Random Happenings
this blog seem to have rotted. i realized i haven't been posting pictures for a century. many things happened within this time. well let pictures tell the story and those which pictures can't tell, let them be forgotten.
PhatNite 3
pretty lightings. not as professional as those clubs along ms but enough to bedazzle club noobs or a law-abiding-below-eighteens.
stephanie! spare your darling some pads will you?
let's get the party started. i would say getting the party started was the hardest part of the entire event. WHY? reason being some kids just got in, found their own private corner, sat down in groups, totally like the mariahs and aminahs you see at orchard mrt station on sundays. i remembered alan, ain, fariz, rach and i were non-stop dancing from the start. guess what were on our minds? we were hoping hard that we could bring up the crowd, so we can go for a break. eventually, small groups parted their asses from the ground and moved a little. it wasn't long till everyone were dancing and grinding like it's their private party. kids, look at the picture. this is how a party is supposed to be. try crowding and sitting around the dance floor at dxo. you'll probably get your ass kicked.
after dehydrating ourselves, we went out for refreshments as well as to take some pictures.
chicky cheryl and i.
damn, blogger doesn't want to let me add more pictures. next entry!
I buried you along with my heart on 9:03 PM 0 comments
Series of Random Happenings (continued)
eugene choo and i. (dude, i haven't seen you on the court for sometime. hope you'll see this message. meet on the court after our papers and have a good game.) anyway what the hell's a cup doing in the middle of the picture?
may and i. OHHHHH, so the mystery spoiler was you!
eza, aren't you gonna be touched? i accomodated you.
part of the team. don't you find kimo's pose and my pose sexy? feedback your comments to us. we want to hear you!
kamal the man in-charge and i slacking at ang mo kio s-11 after phatnite. i would take my hat off to him if i have one. this crazy ic used his body as a ruler when we couldn't find a measuring tape. i'm sure he does remember the times when the mobile disco company backed out on us two days before the event. but the more unforgettable part is; that we scrapped through that shit together.
after the event, we all went to the sit club chalet. i slacked and chatted on the beach with cheryl, kamal, may and chuan lim and left at around six in the morning.
the following day, i went to the chalet again in the evening for barbeque. couldn't remember much that night. just recalled drinking a little and stealing alot of food from the exco's side. oh yes! and chatting with chloe, xingyi, andrew and nas up in their room. the topic was hell x-rated. words like dildo, lesbian, gay, anal sex, cucumber, pincher, stun gun came out of nowhere but well, we all are growing kids and there's something known as curiousity. for some unidentified reasons, chloe and xingyi was so tickled by the entire conversation that they ended up choking for oxygen.
up next was night cycling, where we cycled from east coast park to the esplanade. quite a dramatic one as eileen neo and cheryl were both met with their own accidents.
we got back at around 5am and i joined chuan lim and gang at the beach, where i dozed off.
it was seven and the sun have rose. kimo (extreme right), eugene chia (far background with guitar) and i (left) gave a live acoustic gig performance. we made very raw mtvs of the songs tiger lily by matchbook romance, wonderwall by oasis and one more moment by ronin. thanks to our videographer alan (not in picture OF COURSE.) peeps, you can get the videos from him.
Entrepreneurship Presentation
it's the lighting manager and the man in-charge again.
I buried you along with my heart on 9:00 PM 0 comments
A Series of Random Happenings (continued)
the young professionals from sketch culture.
HELLO, I'M PIMPIN' AGAIN! (pardon me, i can't think of any better caption at the moment.)
that's darren with a special entrance. it reads WORLD CUP 2006, something that left me with a german body clock. that's not the worse. on top of that, i'm still suffering from post-world cup syntoms like jerking up in a spasm at the slightest sound which is similar to that of a whistle.
anyway, for whatever reason it is, the group of guys kept staring at our girls and doing their gayshit cover-mouth action, passing comments and then giggling like schoolgirls while they were presenting. felt like throwing my shoes at them la! wonder what would have happened if i really did, heh (:
Communication Skills Presentation
all i could recall was that it was very impromptu. with lesser than two hours ticking away to the presentation, we were busy making the slides and notes till the very last minute. we wanted to get over and done with, so we requested to be first. it's really good to be first. comparatively lesser tension (usually the last team will be very nervous as they see others doing well or screwing up), and at the same time, we can relax, watch the show and SPAM OTHER GROUPS WITH ALL SORTS OF QUESTIONS, WOOT! okay... we sound like bastards but we were actually trying to help you see. if they can answer the questions well, it's bonus marks to them.
stephanie decided to do a back-to-back height check with me once again. i'm not sure if she regretted but...
And one year plus ago..
whoops! alright, don't tease you already. gonna sleep,
I buried you along with my heart on 8:59 PM 0 comments